Treatment of fungus between the toes

Athlete's foot affects mostly the upper skin of the feet, is a common dermatological disorders. First, the fungus between the toes localized, and with the development of the infection spreads to the adjacent areas of healthy skin.


The etiology of the disease

Fungus of the foot can be due to viruses, such as anyone go while visiting in public showers, Pools, saunas, beaches, and other places where it is necessary, barefoot. InterDigital Tinea is by other people's shoes, poorly processed pedicure tools.

According to studies by mycologists, even if it is in contact with pathogenic micro-flora is the infection if the Patient has predisposing factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • Metabolic disorders, Diabetes mellitus;
  • excessive wealth;
  • Disorders of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • dry skin of the feet, the micro-cracks of the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • Shoes of the wrong size or low quality;
  • mechanical damage to the Epidermis and Stop;
  • Age.

Persons in the risk for fungal diseases, you should monitor particularly carefully the Hygiene of the feet and, if possible, avoid contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

Symptoms of fungus in different stages

Fungus on the toes in the initial phase looks about the same and runs without symptoms. In the course of time the clinical picture of the disease is dependent on the shape of the lesion.

Important! Dryness, flaking, itching and cracking between the toes – the first signs of fungus infestation. In the recognition of alarming symptoms, it is necessary to wait for the help to a doctor, without a deterioration of the infection.

How does the fungus between the toes, largely depends on the definition of its forms and stages of the development of the disease. Experts distinguish four main types of fungal infection between the fingers:

The fungus between the toes
  • Intertriginoznoy. The most common Form of fungus diseases of toe. Only the skin between the fingers affects, without the surface of the foot. Is localized to the mushroom on the little Finger of the legs, but also between the next three fingers. Appears scaly, itchy skin, redness, cracking of the Epidermis. Perhaps the accession of bacterial infection, so that it is difficult for the treatment of fungus between the toes and creates the risk of infection of the whole organism.
  • Disgidrotical. By the formation of bubbles, the liquid exudate that is poured in the case of the violation of the integrity of the shell. In the places of rupture of the vesicles, the change in the skin is shown. Wet mushroom accompanied by severe itching and occurs against the backdrop of the increased sweating of the feet.
  • Dandruff-like Hyper-keratotic. The emergence of the white Plaque is different to the skin of the Finger, and light growths resemble calluses. The skin of the foot and under the fingers thickened, creating a deep slow-healing cracks. This Form of athlete's foot has an effect on both feet.
  • Blank embossed. After symptoms similar to that of the initial stage of all fungal infections. Characterized by small skin lesions that proceeds without pronounced clinical manifestations and practically does not cause discomfort calls, of what is happening, unnoticed, and over a longer period of time remains without the right therapy.

Important! The outward symptoms of fungal infections are identical with the forms of diaper rash, dry Dermatitis and other skin diseases. The presence of pathogenic mycelium and its genus affiliation, laboratory studies allow the infected Material.

Drug Treatment

The initial stage of the fungus does not require any oral antifungal drugs. Fight with the disease should be prescribed through the application of topical antifungal medication.

Modern pharmaceuticals offers comfortable dosage forms of the agents used for the treatment of fungal infections:

Drug Treatment
  • Creams;
  • Ointment;
  • Gels;
  • Pencils;
  • Solutions;
  • Coatings;
  • pollinate.

In the composition of the local action groups of drugs are substances that destroy athlete's foot, and prevents their further propagation.

On the note! InterDigital fungus on the legs requires a long adjuvant therapy. If the financial possibilities do not allow to buy popular expensive medications, this question should discuss it with your doctor. An experienced specialist will choose the cheap but effective drugs for the treatment of the infection.

Independent assortment of drugs, regardless of their value, can only worsen the Situation, because the pathogenic organisms have a high resistance to the action of a certain group of antifungals. Generic drugs for the treatment of fungal infections, there is not, so what, and how to treat fungus, the doctor decides.

With caution oral antifungal drugs should. Tablets, which have for the treatment of fungus in the body, high toxicity and have a lot of contraindications. Preformed shape-antimycotic agent is permitted, for the of drug therapy in adult patients with the normal functioning of the liver.

The treatment of folk medicine

Quickly mildew to get rid of, on the fingers, with the help of recipes of traditional medicine is impossible. But if the house is assumed to be in complex with pharmacy drugs, which will extend the healing process easier.

The Bathroom

Spas – an effective remedy against fungus between the toes:

  • Healing and disinfection of the skin of the fusohle help baths with baking soda and sea salt. Soda baby bath is ideal for the training of the toe with the fungus in the process of applying antifungal formulations.
  • Coffee foot baths are less popular, but a better Regeneration of the affected tissue and prevent the spread of infection. To solution need, cook 5 tablespoons of ground coffee into a Liter of boiling water. Coffee, the bathroom should not be too hot.

Relieve irritation and itching of the skin can regular Pedal-baths with a decoction of herbs celandine, chamomile, calendula, oak bark, birch leaves, purple flowers.

The Bathroom


Different lotions according to the recipes of traditional medicine to heal really unpleasant symptoms of athlete's foot between the toes, but their antifungal properties are not sufficient, the pathogens completely eradicate mycelium.

Compresses with birch tar, oil of celandine, garlic pulp, liquid ammonia, or wine to relieve vinegar sore feet from uncomfortable sensations, and prevent the accession of secondary bacterial infections.

Effective antimicotic ointment made of hen's egg, the will for several days in a container with concentrated acetic essence (70%) until the dissolution of its solid shell. After the withdrawal of the foil, which is dissolved in vinegar and egg, add a little Butter and insist on another day. The course of treatment is to the week, will the composition on the affected areas of the Epidermis twice a day.

Important! Without professional advice and medical prescriptions to be applied, the resources of the traditional medicine for the treatment of fungus between the toes in children is not recommended.